Moving beyond KPI's: How Quan places well-being at the heart of success.

1 Dec 2022
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Quan focuses on improving the well-being of entire teams rather than the individual team members. A lot of companies are already facilitating the individual with existing solutions like coaching, mindfulness and meditation, apps. But in the end, it is about the context and the team that make these individual efforts sustainable. ​

This is where Quan comes in. Their platform is designed to measure and manage personal and professional well-being. Both on a individual and team level. The outcome? Teams are able to make science-backed changes in their culture.

What do company culture and well-being have in common? What is the importance of a community? What do we need to create the future of health & well-being? You will find out in this 20 minute podcast between Busines Model Inc and Arosha Brouwer, CEO & Co-founder at Quan.


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