When will my team results be available?

Your team results will be available after a minimum of 2 team members complete the well-being assessment.

Your team results are available once a minimum of 2 team members complete the well-being assessment. Read here who can see the team results.

Team results are dynamic, meaning they update automatically as more people complete the assessment. This provides real-time information about your team’s well-being.

Your team results provide you with information regarding your team's top well-being Strengths and top well-being Growth Opportunities, and some immediate and targeted next steps to take to improve your team’s well-being.

Please note that for teams less than 5 people, we create additional “Ghost users”. This is done so every smaller team can have an opportunity to have their own Well-being Retro.

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Important: Strive for 100% participation from your team when completing the well-being assessments to ensure the most representative picture of your team's well-being. This will allow you to make well-informed decisions about how to better support each other. If people seem hesitant, you can remind them that their results are completely anonymous.

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2521 CA, The Hague, Netherlands
KvK: 80307329

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