Quan glossary

All the terminology you need to know to enjoy your well-being journey with Quan

Team Lead

A person who is responsible for leading a conversation about team well-being with a specific team. This person’s title might vary depending on job titles at your company: Manager, Director, Line Manager, Lead, Head of, etc.

Well-being journey

A sequence of determined steps taken by individuals and teams each quarter with the purpose of improving team well-being. More about it here.

Well-being interventions

An action taken to improve individual, team, or organizational well-being. Read here why it is important to map internal well-being interventions.


A set of well-being interventions (articles, exercises, workshops) to improve well-being. There are two paths: your individual Path and your team’s Path. You are provided with the well-being interventions that are relevant for your individual well-being results. Same for your team - based on the team results.

Team well-being retro

A conversation between team members about team well-being. Your team well-being retro takes place after the team results are ready. More about it here.

Individual well-being Insights

A set of individual insights based on completed well-being assessment (General and Focus Area), organized according to the Quan well-being framework. Individual well-being insightsare only available to individuals themselves.

Team Well-being Insights

A set of aggregated anonymized insights based on the well-being assessment results of each team member, organized according to the Quan well-being framework. Team well-being insights are available as soon as at least 2 people complete the well-being assessment and is available to all team members.

Organizational Well-being Insights

A set of aggregated anonymized insights based on the well-being assessment results of each team, organized according to the Quan well-being framework. Organizational well-being insights are available to organizations once at least one team completed Quan’s well-being assessment.

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